Search Results for "Acetaminophen Pm Extra Str"

1 - 10 of 78542 Results
Hi, last night I took 2 Tylenol extra strength at 10:30 pm for a headache. I was having pretty bad allergies as well. so I took 2 offbrand Benadryl severe allergy & sinus headache (Meijer off-brand) at about 2:38 am. I believe the Tylenol extra strength co...

I am on my final couple of weeks of treatment and have been traveling for some necessary reasons. A few nights I have taken tylenol PM to help me sleep and found it very helpful. I have little liver damage and am undetected. Is this an ok med? m...

I have some serious trouble sleeping I did before i was pregnant and was taking Ambien, but I am afraid to take that while being pregnant, am I able to take Tylenol PM to help me out?

Am I aloud to take tylenol pm I'm 34weeks

i am 38 weeks 1day... and not sleeping.. is it safe to take tylenol pm??

Has anyone taken Tylenol pm during pregnancy? Or acetaminophen/ diphenhydramine. My doc said its ok but im just so nervous i haven't taken any medicine while pregnant and don't like to but i just can't sleep at all and im misserable. im 36+1 weeks and woul...

I take 10 mg of Ambien Sun-Thurs, is it okay for me to take 2 Tylenol PMs on Fri & Sat nights?

Is tylentol pm addictive. I cannot go to sleep without taking two of them. I have been doing this for several years. Is it dangerous-I know tylenol is hard on the liver. I drink very rarely

I have a very hard time staying asleep. I have been taking Nyquil at night and it has worked great keeping me asleep. I just don't think it is very good for me. Is Tyenol pm better to take? Is it bad to take that on a regular basis too?

My husband tales the above medicine to sleep. I'm told they are off the ;market. Is this true and if so WHY?

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